I’ve struggled to fall asleep for as long as I can remember. No matter how heavy my eyes, or how exhausted my body, as soon as my head hits the pillow my brain boots up and begins to whir, loudly, like a laptop that’s about to overheat.
In the past I’ve self-medicated in a bid to cure my insomnia, a practice which tends to make things worse in the long run – and that it did – but I’ve also tried reading before bed, winding down two hours before I need to sleep, exercising early in the day, cold showers, hot showers, CBD, sleep teas, all of the sleep hygiene rules.
Plagued by awakeness, I’d usually succumb to the one thing that might take the edge off: distraction.
I’d unlock my phone and feel my whole body melt into relaxation as my eyes (and mind) fixate on the blue light, swiping, swiping, swiping until I’m successfully tranquilised.
My eyes would begin to sting — it’s time to try to sleep again. But as soon as the screen goes black and my eyes are closed, all the lights in my brain turn back on, begging me to check my emails to confirm the deadline for that article, or make sure I wished my friend a happy birthday, or watch the entirety of my Instagram story archive to see how my face has changed since 2018.
Until recently, that is.
Anyone who knows anything about sleep knows that using your phone in bed is a cardinal sin.
‘Using your phone in bed disrupts your sleep in several ways, including the effects of blue light exposure, psychological stimulation, and the disruption of bedtime routines,’ explains sleep consultant Maryanne Taylor.
But what is even more insidious about using your smartphone in bed is that it quickly becomes a habit, one that is pretty difficult to kick.
‘Using a phone in bed can be habit forming through a process known as reinforcement and conditioning,’ Maryanne tells Metro.co.uk.
‘Our brains often look for what we perceive as rewarding experiences, and phones provide this with instant gratification in the form of social interactions, entertainment, and information.’
Blue light
The screens of smartphones emit blue light, which can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. Exposure to blue light in the evening suppresses melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep and reducing the overall quality of sleep.
Increased alertness
Engaging with your phone in bed can stimulate your brain and increase alertness, making it difficult to relax and unwind before sleep. Activities such as checking emails, browsing social media, or playing games can be mentally engaging, which increases our arousal levels and triggers our body’s fight or flight response, which is designed to protect us from perceived danger. This, of course, is not conducive to feeling relaxed to enable us to fall asleep.
Disrupts your down time
Using your phone in bed disrupts relaxing down time before going to sleep, which is so important in signalling to your body that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Instead of engaging in relaxing activities that promote sleep, such as reading a book or practising relaxation techniques, using your phone in bed keeps your mind active and delays the onset of sleepiness.
— Maryanne Taylor, sleep consultant at The Sleep Works
Often, this habit-forming cycle starts with a trigger, in my case, general anxiety, overthinking and worrying about not being able to sleep.
‘In response to this trigger, we instinctively seek the quick fix of distraction or stimulation by reaching for our phones, and we are then “rewarded” by immediate satisfaction of engaging with entertaining content or connecting with others online,’ Maryanne continues.
‘Over time, this behaviour becomes reinforced through repetition, and we create a habit.’
Not to mention, she adds, ‘the convenience and accessibility of the phone next to the bed reinforces the habit as there is no barrier and it is incredibly easy to fuel this activity.’
On top of that, I feel that giving into my anxious thoughts by attempting to reassure myself via my phone — how much money do I have in my bank account?; did I email that editor back?; what time is it? — served to validate those thoughts when I should have been letting them pass.
I don’t know what prompted me to leave my phone in the living room one Thursday night in January. After two weeks of horrendously bad sleep and almost two books finished, it just felt like the right thing to do.
I plugged my phone into the socket next to my television and, very reluctantly, closed the door on it, heading to bed empty handed.
I set my alarm clock and braced for the potential to oversleep without my usual five alarms, and read my book until my eyes felt droopy.
As I turned off the light, my brain began to buzz with questions I could have easily answered if I’d only had my phone with me, but I didn’t.
I forced myself to forget the questions — I could find out what I needed to know in the morning, it wasn’t going to make a difference now anyway. It only took a few seconds for them to float away from me. After about 20 minutes, I was fast asleep.
This was one of the biggest benefits of leaving my phone in the other room, it took away my ability to engage in the toxic cycle of checking it whenever I felt too uncomfortable.
‘Removing the temptation of the phone next to your bed can break the habit-loop of relying on the phone for distraction when awake in bed,’ says Maryanne. ‘This gives you the opportunity to improve sleep quantity and quality.’
On top of that, she adds, you’re saved from disturbances via notification and keeping your phone out of your room helps to promote sleep hygiene by ‘establishing clear boundaries between sleep and wakefulness’.
‘This helps reinforce the association between the bedroom and relaxation and rest, making it easier to wind down, fall asleep and stay asleep at night,’ says Maryanne.
It’s been more than a month since I made the change and I haven’t looked back. Even on weekends, I leave my phone in the living room, and lately I’ve been able to drift off even without the aid of a book.
My sleep has never been better and, in turn, neither has my waking life. I wish I’d known just how simple the answer to my sleep issues really was, I couldn’t recommend it enough.
Oh, and I didn’t oversleep.
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