

Scientists discover that people who live past 90 have key differences in their blood

Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic group in the world, with numbers approximately doubling every 10 years since the 1970s. Many researchers have sought out the factors and contributors that determine a long and healthy life. The dissolution isn't new either, with Plato and Aristotle writing about the ageing process over 2,300 ...

25 Outdated Habits Baby Boomers Just Won’t Give Up

I Only Do These 3 Skincare Steps But My Skin Has Never Looked Better

For many of us, skincare is far from simple. It’s difficult not to feel overwhelmed when perusing the aisles in drugstores, looking at everything from AHAs to hydrating serums — and don’t even get me started on retinol, retinal, and retinoids. I’m a beauty writer, so getting into the nitty gritty of each ingredient is what I signed up for. But no matter how many products I pick up and try, I always come back to a variation of the same three....

Millennial Money: The evolution of retirement - and what it might mean for you

Now that retirement spans more years than ever, you might need to rethink how you’re envisioning that stage of your life. Although Americans are retiring a little later than they did 30 years ago, they’re also living longer. Retirement isn’t a blip on the life radar — it’s a significant chunk of time. While your parents may have retired and never w...

Scarves Are A Travel Must-Have — How To Style Them Multiple Ways

.disclaimerwidth:90%;margin-bottom:1rem.disclaimer__lineswidth:100%;margin:0 auto;border-bottom:1px solid #999;padding:0;max-width:150px.disclaimer__copywidth:100%;max-width:355px;font-family:Brown Regular,sans-serif;font-size:.9rem;font-weight:300;line-height:1.3em;color:#333;padding:0 0 .4rem;margin:1rem auto;text-align:center All linked products are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase any of these products, we may earn a...

Why the next generation of wood siding is perfect for your cottage or home

If you’re looking into timeless and durable cladding options for building or upgrading a cottage, there’s a strong chance wood siding is already at the top of your list. Put … Continued

Couple's Impressive Self Reliant Life on a Remote Tropical Island – Off Grid Living

Marjo and An have an incredible off-grid homestead lifestyle in the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia. They've built their own home using locally sourced wood, they harvest fruit from the forest, they fish for their protein, they raise chickens for eggs and meat, and they also generate solar power, harvest rainwater, and use a well for their water and electricity. The island they live on does not have any villages or roads, so everything is transported with a small handmade boat, from their groceries to their fuel. It's not an easy lifestyle that they've chosen, but it is quite beautiful and rewarding (and they can surf from their front door!). You can follow and find out more about Marjo and An's incredible life on their YouTube channel, Our Island Life: Thanks for watching! ------------------------------------------------------------- STAY IN TOUCH! ------------------------------------------------------------- Website: Facebook: Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------- We want our channel and comments section to be an inclusive space where everyone feels welcome to watch and contribute. For this reason, inappropriate or hateful comments will be reported and/or deleted. Please discuss and debate respectfully, and report inappropriate or hateful comments directly to YouTube. ------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------- Music Credit: Exploring Alternatives Editing Credit: Exploring Alternatives Filming Credit: Marjolein and An from Our Island Life #offgridliving #islandlife #selfsufficient

One factor can determine how satisfied you are with your life

Two cups of espresso could help ward of Alzheimer's - study

Italian scientists: Coffee could avert accumulation of tau proteins and guard against Alzheimer's disease.

Ozempic is changing eating habits, and food companies are taking notice

With more people using drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy for weight loss, food companies are paying close attention and trying to adapt to changing eating habits.

15 Things Truly Happy People Choose to Ignore

Here are 15 things truly happy people choose to ignore! If you want to discover the secrets to happiness, you’re in the right place. By exploring the habits of happy people, this motivational video offers insightful advice and tips on how to be happy in life — blending psychology, self help, and practical habits into a transformative guide. From understanding the importance of ignoring negativity to embracing practices that lead to joy, truly happy people have mastered the art of navigating life with finesse — and embracing their habits will change your life for the better, too! You see, genuine happiness isn’t just about what you decide to let into your world; it’s also about what you choose to leave out! It's about making those small, deliberate changes that lead to big shifts in your mental health and overall well-being. Whether you're looking for ways to be happier or positive habits that foster happiness, this list is designed to inspire change and motivate you toward a more content and fulfilling life. OTHER VIDEOS TO WATCH: How To Be Happy - 10 Things Happy People Don’t Do: 10 Interesting Facts About Happiness: How To Think Yourself Happy - The Power Of Positivity: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe To Our Channel for More Videos Like This! TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose ------------------------------------------------------------------

Eating breakfast at this time could reduce heart disease risk

A French study suggests that eating breakfast and supper an hour earlier may reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. This research emphasizes the importance of meal timing for cardiovascular health, according to The Telegraph. The study found that having breakfast at 8 am instead of 9 am decreases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by...

Golfing, gardening may be linked to ALS risk

Research published in the Journal of Neurological Sciences earlier this year found that outdoor recreational activities, such as golfing, woodworking and hunting may increase a person’s likelihood of developing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), especially among men.

Hide the saltshaker: Adding sodium regularly to food increases risk of chronic kidney disease

Excess salt can come from the intake of some fish and meat.

10 Interesting Facts About People Who Like to Be Alone

Here are 10 interesting facts about people who like to be alone. If you like being alone most of the time, you will relate to this list a lot. And if you're more social and outgoing, this video will provide you with valuable insight into the truly amazing world of the lone wolf personality type so that you can better understand the loners in your life. While it's easy to say that people who enjoy being alone are just more introverted or shy, there's actually more to the quiet type. In fact, there are many special personality traits of people who like to be alone. Loners also tend to be highly intuitive people, and their intuition is a powerful guiding force in their lives. So, whether you were born to be a loner or just want to learn more about these folks, you'll learn a lot from this video. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe To Our Channel for More Videos Like This! TWITTER: FACEBOOK:

The secrets to styling sporty-chic this summer

The secrets to styling sporty-chic this summer - A summer of sports means only one thing: athleisure as everyday.

Lose weight without going to gym: Simple tips to follow

Losing weight can be challenging for those who dislike exercising. While healthy eating and regular physical activity are crucial, incorporating unexpected and enjoyable activities into your daily routine can help burn more calories and maintain motivation on the path to a healthier lifestyle, writes New York Post. In particular, the article shares...

Rising costs: 40% of Americans struggle to make ends meet

A significant portion of the American population is experiencing financial stress, as indicated by a... The post Rising costs: 40% of Americans struggle to make ends meet appeared first on The Independent News.

Happy Tails: Finding Hope For Wildlife in an ever-changing world of human & nature-driven challenges

Wildlife is in constant conflict with humans. More recently, major weather events (driven in part by climate change), have been a huge challenge for wildlife sanctuaries. In part four of our series, Happy Tails: Canadian Animal Rescue Stories, we see how Halifax's Hope For Wildlife is adapting to these changes, while also helping to educate the public about how it can do its part to protect animals.

10 things that made people realise they’re not ‘young’ anymore

Millionaires reveal 8 frugal habits that helped them get rich

Entering America's Most Conservative Amish Town

In this eye-opening story, I explore the lives of the Swartzentruber Amish - the most conservative subgroup of Old Order Amish. They arguably lead the most conservative and traditional lives of any humans on our planet. I gotta say, even after visiting all 197 countries in the world, I found the Swartzentruber Amish to be among the most fascinating groups of people I've come in contact with. And it's in my own country! Through my friend Lizzie, a former Swartzentruber Amish who grew up in Holmes County, Ohio, I gained rare access to this secluded community that is off-limits to outsiders. Join me as we learn first-hand from the Swartzentruber Amish, as well as get a deep dive into Lizzie's childhood as she remembers it. Nowadays, Lizzie is an incredible entrepreneur and runs her own business in the health & wellness industry. You can follow her journey on the links below: - IG: - YT:@lizzieenswellness - Get her newly launched book! https://a

7 Essential Fitness Skills Every Man Must Know

👉We're wearing TLF. Use our code TLF-BUFF for 15% off at 🍖🥦 Buff Dudes Cookbook: 😎 JOIN THE BUFF CLUB: 👉GRAB OUR WORKOUT PLANS: 👉 👈 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly food recipes, exercise tutorials and Buff Dudes updates Essential skill 1 Balance: This is the foundation of all movement. Good balance improves coordination, creates better posture, reduces falls, and helps with activities like carrying objects or playing sports. Here are two great exercises to help you become balanced: Single leg stands: Stand on one leg for 30 seconds, and then repeat on the other side. Hold onto something for support if needed. (Beginner) Walking on a balance beam: This one helps to improve focus and core engagement. (Intermediate) Essential skill 2 Running: A basic human function, running improves cardiovascular health, builds leg strength, and is a great way to stay fit. Whether you’re using it for cardio, sports or even evading danger - running is one of the most essential skills we as human beings possess. Here are two great exercises to help you become a better runner: Interval training: Alternate between periods of high-intensity running and recovery speed walking. (Beginner/Intermediate) #fitness #workout #exercise Running drills: High knees, butt kicks, and jumping rope while moving forward improve running form and coordination. (All Levels) Essential skill 3 Crawling: It’s not just for babies! Crawling improves core strength and shoulder stability. Staying low under smoke, squeezing through tight spaces, or performing military drills - crawling offers stealth and access in tough situations. Here are two great exercises to help up your crawling game: Bear crawls: Improves core and shoulder stability. Start on hands and knees, then alternate opposing arms and legs while keeping your back flat. Slow and controlled is the name of the game. (Beginner/Intermediate) Inchworm: Great for core and upper body strength. Start standing, then walk your hands down until you’re in a plank position, then walk your feet back up to meet your hands and repeat. (Intermediate/Advanced) Essential skill 4 Jumping: Improves explosive power, leg strength, and coordination. In addition to sports, jumping will help you clear obstacles or help you grab items just out of reach. A good jump can literally be a lifesaver. Here are three great exercises to help you increase your jump: Squat jumps: Builds intense power. Do a bodyweight squat then jump explosively as high as you can. (Beginner/Intermediate) Box jumps: This helps to increase your jump height. Use a sturdy box, and jump explosively to land on top, starting with a shorter box and progressively working your way up to taller ones. (Intermediate/Advanced) Single leg hops: Improves balance and leg strength. Hop on one leg for repetitions, then switch. (All Levels) Essential skill 5 Climbing: Builds upper body strength and grip strength. In addition, climbing can benefit many sports like gymnastics or kayaking. Daily activities will improve as well, due to climbing’s focus on increased strength and flexibility. Here are two great exercises to help you become a better climber: Rock climbing gyms: The safest way to learn and practice climbing techniques. (All Levels) Pull-ups: Builds upper body pulling strength essential for climbing. (Beginner/Intermediate) Essential skill 6 Lifting: Essential for everyday tasks and helping to build overall strength. Learning proper lifting techniques prevents injuries and back pain. Here are two great exercises to help you learn to properly lift: Deadlifts: Builds total-body strength, improves posture, functional movement and athletic performance. (Beginner/Intermediate with proper form) Squats: Builds lower body strength, improves core stability and greatly helps to improve everyday activities. (All Levels) Essential skill 7 Carrying: Goes hand-in-hand with lifting. A strong core and proper technique ensure you can carry objects safely and efficiently, whether that be building materials on a construction site, food from the grocery store or even other people. Here are three great exercises to help better your carrying skills: Farmer's walk: Hold weights in each hand and walk for distance. Improves grip strength and core stability. (Beginner/Intermediate) Suitcase carry: Hold a weight in one hand and walk for distance, switch hands halfway. Improves core stability and unilateral strength. (Beginner/Intermediate) Walking lunges with weights: Combine the benefits of lunges and carrying weights. It also helps to improve cardiovascular capabilities. (Intermediate/Advanced)

I thought my diet was healthy until I cut out ultra-processed food

I was eating cereal for breakfast, a sandwich and a packet of crisps for lunch and maybe a ready meal lasagne for dinner.

Common Blood Pressure Drug Increases Lifespan, Slows Aging in Animals

The hypertension drug rilmenidine has been shown to slow down aging in worms, an effect that in humans could hypothetically help us live longer and keep us healthier in our latter years. Previous research has shown rilmenidine mimics the effects of caloric restriction on a cellular level. Reducing available energy while maintaining nutrition within the body has been shown to extend lifespans in several animal models. Whether this translates to...

Underconsumption: Why it’s suddenly cool to use every last drop of shampoo and face cream

Underconsumption: Why it’s suddenly cool to use every last drop of shampoo and face cream - LET’S UNPACK THAT: A new social media trend is rejecting the throwing-away of beauty products before they’ve actually been used. But celebrating something so ordinary only exposes how wasteful many of us have become, writes Olivia Petter

No Kids? No Problem: 4 Ways “Solo Agers” Can Support Themselves

If you're worried that you'll go it alone in retirement and your later years, these tips can ensure "solo agers" have more support. The post No Kids? No Problem: 4 Ways “Solo Agers” Can Support Themselves appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.

How eating bananas daily can boost your well-being

Eating a banana daily can contribute significantly to a healthier diet, as most people don't consume the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. According to registered dietitian nutritionist Lauren Manaker, incorporating bananas into your daily diet can be beneficial for getting necessary fruit servings, according to Country Living. Bananas...

Foods that slow brain aging and how to incorporate them in your diet

A new study has shown that specific nutrients, similar to those found in the Mediterranean diet, can play a crucial role in slowing brain aging, according to Healthline. Foods that slow brain aging Scientists have found that fatty fish should be included in your diet. "Fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout, are rich in omega-3 fatt...

Tips on making ends meet in a world where ‘everything is costing more’

As the cost of living continues to rise, a Halifax-area financial advisor is offering advice to help families cut back on extra costs.

Things that harm happiness in marriage the most

Relationships between husband and wife are among the most crucial aspects of life, offering deep love and connection. However, harmful habits and unhealthy beliefs can hinder these bonds, according to HuffPost. Comparing your relationship to others Abigail Makepeace, a family therapist from Los Angeles, warns that constant attempts to gauge how you...

These 'Essential 8' habits slowed biological aging significantly, study shows

Biological aging slowed significantly when people followed heart-healthy lifestyle habits, according to new research.

8 reasons you feel tired all the time and what you can do about it

I go out for meals by myself. It's taught me what I want in a partner

I'm now far more confident being single.

Cutting Back on One Amino Acid Increases Lifespan of Middle-Aged Mice Up to 33%

A new study in mice found limited intakes of one particular essential amino acid slowed the impacts of ageing and even lengthened their lifespan. Scientists are now wondering if these findings could help people improve their longevity and quality of life. Isoleucine is one of three branched-chain amino acids we use to build proteins in our bodies. It is essential for our survival, but since our cells can't produce it from scratch, we have to get...

Man Builds Amazing House on Steep Mountain in 8 Months | Start to Finish by @MrWildNature

Mr. Wild Nature pays homage to its name and builds an incredible mountain home, with sweeping views of golden sunsets and growing trees. His project, however, goes far beyond a house. It is a call for sustainability, installing a renewable energy source and using zero-kilometer materials. With this approach, he manages to create a safe and warm building, with personal touches and highly prepared to withstand the weather conditions of the area. If you haven't yet felt like watching the video, we'll just say one thing: he has a dog. MR WILDNATURE Instagram: Youtube: Tiktok: Facebook: Other2: [email protected] Disclaimer: Quantum Tech HD is not affiliated with the businesses whose products are shown in this review. Any trademarks depicted are the property of their respective owners.

Family Builds Amazing Mountain CABIN in Just 9 Months | Start to Finish by @woodjunkie_yt

In a world increasingly defined by urban sprawl and digital connectivity, the allure of nature's serenity beckons many to seek solace in the rustic charm of off-grid living. For one enterprising 24-year-old couple, their shared passion for carpentry and reverence for nature converged into a remarkable endeavor: the construction of an off-grid cabin. The Wood Junkie's project, borne of love and dedication, embodies not only the fulfillment of a dream but also a commitment to environmental stewardship and the pursuit of sustainable living. Are you ready to move? We are going straight to the nature! WOOD JUNKIE Instagram: Youtube: Email: [email protected] Other: Other2: Disclaimer: Quantum Tech HD is not affiliated with the businesses whose products are shown in this review. Any trademarks depicted are the property of their respective owners.

Revealed: what homes looked like through the decades

Times have certainly changed since your grandparents were young! Let's take a look back at what your grandparents' homes might have looked like way back when...

Polish city among top 5 in Europe for highest life quality: Unique features

In a new ranking of European cities where people are most satisfied with their lives, Poland's Gdansk is in the top 5. The city is also one of the best for living with small children and for migrants. The study took into account all the amenities - from the work of transport and organizations to street cleanliness and safety, according to ...

How to Travel AND Keep a Full Time Job

We were asked how do we do it? How do we work full time and still keep travel in our lives. Well it comes down to your job, you mentality, and making sure you keep travel a priority in your life. Join this channel to get access to perks: #travel #workandtravel #digitalnomad Copyright Mark Wolters 2023 Learn how to plan your travels like we do with our Travel Planning 101 Course: Grab some Wolters World travel gear Help Us Keep Make More Honest Travel Videos: Hey There Fellow Travelers! Thank you for watching our honest travel vlogs from all over this wonderful world. If you would like to get in contact with us please follow us & send us a message via our social media channels below. Also, if you like our travel videos please feel free to share them with other fellow travelers. You can find us all over the internet: Travel Advice & Destinations: Food Travel Videos: Travel Tips: Business Education: Tiktok: Instagram: Jocelyn's Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin:

The ‘island of immortals’ where residents regularly live past 100

Couple Living in a Yurt as a Simple & Affordable Tiny House Alternative

Leah and Joe are an adventurous couple who moved from a log cabin into a skoolie, and then into a yurt! They are now living full-time in a tiny yurt with their two black cats in Ontario, Canada. The yurt is 20' in diameter and 314 square feet on the interior, the round structure is made of white pine lattice walls and roof rafters, and it is covered with wool felt insulation, a vapour barrier, and a canvas cover on the exterior. You can follow and find out more about Leah and Joe's yurt life adventures, and find out about the yurt rentals they're planning to set up on their land on Facebook and Instagram here: Joe and Leah's yurt is a 20' Mongolian Yurt (or super ger). These beautiful yurts are made in Mongolia and are distributed by Groovy Yurts. You can check them out here: At the time of filming, Leah and Joe had only been living in the yurt for 5 months, but they had already built a massive deck, set up their yurt as a cozy home, built an outhouse, brought in an electrical panel, built a woodshed and outdoor shower, and had a well drilled. Their future plans include adding a septic system, and building a comfort station with an indoor shower and toilet, and they're also looking into setting up a small yurt resort so that folks can visit the First Nation reserve where they live, and experience living and sleeping in a yurt. Thanks for watching! ------------------------------------------------------------- STAY IN TOUCH! ------------------------------------------------------------- Website: Facebook: Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------- We want our channel and comments section to be an inclusive space where everyone feels welcome to watch and contribute. For this reason, inappropriate or hateful comments will be reported and/or deleted. Please discuss and debate respectfully, and report inappropriate or hateful comments directly to YouTube. ------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------- Music Credit: Exploring Alternatives Editing Credit: Exploring Alternatives Filming Credit: Exploring Alternatives #yurt #yurtlife #tinyhouse

Looking — and feeling — like a million dollars in heat means loose linen clothing

FREDERICTON — Dressing for the summer to stay and look cool involves more than picking out a white T-shirt and shorts. Choosing the right fabric, according to experts in fashion and dermatology, is about a breezy fit, and remembering to hydrate.

Understanding anxiety: Behaviors not to take personally

Sometimes, people experience anxiety sporadically. Typically, worry due to specific events or everyday concerns lasts briefly, from a few minutes to a few days. It's important to understand situations where getting upset with someone isn't necessary, as there are specific reasons for this, according to the "How are you?" psychological community on ...

After years of sleepless nights I beat insomnia in a month

How to rock athletic pants, longer shorts and yacht-inspired fashion

Fashion expert Natalie Sexton shows us how to wear this season's trickiest trends, from dressed-up athletic pants to yacht-inspired looks. Plus, get a money-saving tip to make the most of your trend pieces to elevate your style with ease!

9 Things You Need to Stop Doing If You Want to Be Happy

In this video, we talk about the things you need to stop doing if you want to be happy. You see, happiness is all about the choices you make; and there are some common things happy people don't do. So, if you want to live a truly happy life, you need to ditch bad habits that make you unhappy. Our goal is to provide you with some practical psychological tips so that you can replace these bad habits with good ones that will help support your happiness as well as your overall health and well-being. If you’re ready to change your life, watch this motivational video and start implementing these happiness tips! just a few small steps every day can bring big changes and help you find the happiness you've been searching for. OTHER VIDEOS TO WATCH: 10 Toxic Lessons You Must Unlearn: Here’s What Happens When You Stop Caring What Other People Think: 12 Principles Most People Take A Lifetime To Learn: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe To Our Channel for More Videos Like This! TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose ------------------------------------------------------------------

Idea of what makes a neighbourhood ‘liveable’ has changed since the pandemic

The vast majority of Canadians love their neighbourhoods according to a new RE/MAX report, but as Anne Gaviola reports, the reasons why have changed since the pandemic. And it all comes back to affordability.

We must change the prejudices of mainstream medicine against lifestyle intervention

Lifestyle medicine prevents and reverses many chronic conditions and even auto-immune ones.

More than 50% of Gen Z gets their health advice from TikTok

More than 50% of Gen Z gets their health advice from TikTok - About 58 percent of respondents said they felt less secure about their appearance after using the app